Woman-Owned-Business-Logo-WHITE About

About Minichi, Inc.

Minichi, Inc. was incorporated in 1989 and in 2000 the primary focus for Minichi, Inc. became bridge construction and rehabilitation in the heavy highway industry. Minichi, Inc. has contracted for and completed over $140 million of construction work to rebuild and repair roads and bridges in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

2023-WBENC-CERT-scaled-landscape-3208f76c80a046eb346872bbf12f493f-yov7ugzje915 About

We are a certified WBENC and WBE.


What does it mean to be “a WBENC certified WBE”?

WBENC (The Women’s Business Enterprise National Council) is the largest certifier of women owned businesses nation wide, with hundreds of corporations and government agencies accepting the certificate as a pathway to their supplier diversity programs.

A WBENC certified WBE is a business that has gone through a rigorous and stringent certification process to confirm the business is owned, managed, and controlled by a woman or women.